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Top 10 Essential Internet Safety Rules Everyone Should Follow


How safe are you when you’re on the Internet? If your answer to that question is as safe as I can be, there’s an important follow-up question you need to ask yourself: Why not be safer? The online world may seem like an alternate reality where anything goes, but that doesn’t mean you should abandon all your common sense and stop protecting yourself in real life. In this guide, here are 10 essential rules that everyone should follow to keep themselves safe and secure while they are surfing the web.


Browsing the internet can be both beneficial and entertaining, but there are also risks associated with using the Internet that you should be aware of. Thankfully, many steps can be taken to ensure your safety while surfing the net. Use these ten internet safety rules as a guide to staying safe while browsing online, and if you have any questions or concerns, be sure to contact your local tech expert!

1) Don't give out personal information

It's important to keep your personal information safe, and that means not giving it out unnecessarily. This includes your name, phone number, address, email address, and school/work details. If someone asks you for this information over the internet (i.e. on an app or social media page) don't feel pressured to give it out - they can often find it elsewhere anyway. The only exception to this rule is if you're chatting with a real person - like a tutor or teacher- through an online service like Skype.

E-safety - Don't reply to emails from people you don't know; never share passwords with anyone; only download files from sites you trust; turn off the computer at night time. Install anti-virus software, check for security updates regularly and use strong passwords.

Be aware of risks when browsing the internet

Keep up to date with technology by reading about new websites, apps, and games to be better prepared for how they might affect you in the future. Cyberbullying is also a big issue these days so make sure you are careful what pictures you post and comments you write on social networking sites as these could come back to haunt you in later life. All our devices are linked so please think before downloading any applications or opening links from unknown sources as this could infect your device with malware which will cause it to crash.

2) Keep your passwords private

1. Keep your passwords private and never share them with anyone.

2. Don't use the same password for multiple sites, or use a pattern that can be easily guessed by a hacker.

3. Change your password often, ideally every three months or so, and don't use anything that can be easily guessed like your birthday or phone number.

4. If you're concerned about someone guessing your password then try using a passphrase of random words instead.

5. Ensure you have up-to-date anti-virus software installed on all of your devices (e-safety) because there's no point in taking all these steps if you're just going to let malware onto your computer! Make sure you have strong security settings on your devices, including web browsers and smartphones (Cybersafety).

6. Make sure you know how to spot spam emails - they often come from unknown senders and contain links to phishing websites where hackers are trying to steal sensitive data.

7. The best way to protect yourself from malicious emails is always read their contents before clicking any links or attachments inside them.

8. For e-Safety, Remember to take care when posting information online. For example, never post your name and address online without hiding it first through the likes of underscores (_ _ _ _) or asterisks (* * * *). Similarly, photos taken in public places should also be hidden by uploading them as unlisted content on social media platforms such as Facebook so that only friends who are following you will see them.

9. For e-Safety, make sure you don’t store personal info such as bank details or credit card numbers online.

10. For Cyber safety, keep your laptop close to you when working on a public network and make sure you log out of websites properly once you’re done accessing them, otherwise somebody could access any saved usernames and passwords in the browser’s cache file.

Keep reading to learn more in detail!

3) Don't open emails from strangers

Do not open emails from strangers, it is for e-safety. It is important to know that cyber safety starts with following your instincts. If you are not sure about an email or text, don't respond. If you do receive a suspicious email, delete it and do not click on the attachments. If you have clicked on the attachments and think your computer has been compromised by malware, power down your computer and call for help immediately.

E-Safety also includes keeping devices in a safe location when not in use and having anti-virus software installed. Cyber security should be practiced daily by deleting cookies as well as emptying the recycling bin (which stores deleted files) periodically. Keep yourself updated with e-safety rules and best practices so that you can stay safe online!

Cyber safety is more than just staying away from malicious websites. Cyber security should be practiced daily by deleting cookies as well as emptying the recycling bin (which stores deleted files) periodically. You can never be too careful with your personal information and e-safety measures must be taken seriously to avoid identity theft or fraud.

4) Don't click on links from strangers

It is an e-safety and Cyber safety rule to never click on a link from a stranger.

● The internet can be a dangerous place, so it is important to know what you are clicking on and where that link will take you.

● If something looks strange or if you think the person is not who they say they are, don't click on it.

● You should also make sure your home computer has virus protection installed.

● You should also install anti-malware software that protects against spyware, adware, Trojan horses, and other malicious software.

● When you're surfing online, use caution when giving out personal information like your name, address, phone number, or email address.

● Sharing this information could put you at risk for identity theft or other scams.

● Make passwords long and complicated: Make passwords long and complicated by using symbols, uppercase letters, and lowercase letters in addition to numbers to help keep hackers out of your account. Don't forget them!

● Remembering passwords is hard enough without having to remember all those extra things.

● Keep up with the latest updates on e-safety rules: Many websites have Terms of Use, Privacy Policies, and other agreements that change all the time.

● Make sure you stay up-to-date with any new policies.

● Trust your gut: If a website seems too good to be true or if someone asks for private information like credit card numbers, then it probably isn't legit.

5) Don't meet up with people you met online

Don't meet up with people you've met online. You don't know them and they could be dangerous, so keep your distance and stay safe.

The first rule of internet safety is to never give out personal information.

Never click on links in an email or text:

Never click on links in an email or text message that seem like a scam. This can allow hackers to get access to your computer or device remotely and steal data. Be cautious when you are taking photos of yourself or others: Be cautious when you are taking photos of yourself or others. You may not realize that the camera lens is on the backside and what's happening behind you will show up in the photo as well. Protect your identity and credit card information: Protect your identity and credit card information by shopping through reputable websites only.

Check for typos before submitting forms or entering passwords:

You must check for typos before submitting forms or entering passwords. Typing mistakes can expose important data about you. If it has been a while since you typed something, try writing it down before you type it into a form.

Use trusted software to protect your devices from malware:

You should use trusted software to protect your devices from malware. Look for anti-virus programs and run regular updates to make sure everything is running smoothly and securely.

Keep devices such as laptops and cell phones secure with a password:

You should keep devices such as laptops and cell phones secure with a password that needs numbers, letters, symbols, etc. Make sure you will follow these security measures mentioned above.

6) Tell an adult if something happens

One of the most important rules when it comes to internet safety is to tell an adult if something happens. If you're not comfortable talking to your parents or guardians, there are lots of other people you can talk to like a teacher, coach, mentor, or even the police.

You should also be careful about what pictures and videos you post online because they can live forever. Cyberbullying and sexting (sending sexually explicit messages) are two major dangers on social media networks. It's important that you only give out personal information on sites where it's safe. For example, don't give out any information that would allow someone to find you in people such as your address or phone number.

E-safety means being safe from danger while using technology. Cyber safety means being safe from cyber bullies, predators, stalkers, and those who have bad intentions for others. You should never agree to meet someone in person whom you first met on the internet without telling an adult first; this could put both of you at risk for things like sexual exploitation or abuse.

Cyber safety includes using privacy settings so that your photos and posts are only seen by friends and family members, not strangers. Cyber security includes staying up-to-date with security software on devices so you don't get hacked.

7) Use privacy settings

It's important to ensure you are using privacy settings on social media. It's also a good idea to report anything you see that is offensive or inappropriate because it could be hurting someone else without them knowing. A lot of people also like to use parental control software to keep their devices safe.

Be sure to avoid giving out personal information online, such as home address or phone number. If you give someone your phone number, be sure to choose a non-work one and keep it to yourself until you’re ready for that person to have it. There are also a lot of apps available for phones and tablets that will help keep your devices safe from cyberbullying and other harmful actions.

Cyber safety can also include never talking about drugs and alcohol in chats with friends or over the internet. You should always stay away from things that are illegal and don't feel comfortable sharing what you're doing when you're not with those people in real life. One way to stay cyber-safe is by making sure your parents know what websites you go to so they can keep an eye on what they think may not be appropriate.

8) Don't share personal photos

These days, it's hard to go more than a few hours without seeing someone post a selfie on social media. But before you click that share button and post your own, consider the following internet safety rule: Don't share your personal/personalized photos.

Posting selfies or pictures of yourself in any state of undress can be dangerous, both because they might get out into the public domain and because they may be used as part of an extortion attempt.

Consider these seven pieces of cyber safety advice for keeping safe online.

1. Use strong passwords

2. Install virus protection software

3. Limit downloads from unknown sources

4. Clear browsing history regularly

5. Only use secure wifi connections

6. Use privacy settings for all accounts on social media platforms

7. Be careful what you like or comment on social media sites.

It is always better not to say anything at all than to say something that could damage your reputation in this digital age!

9) Think before you post

Keep your information private. Don't give out personal information such as your full name, address, phone number, or e-mail address unless it's necessary. If you're in a chat room and someone asks for your personal information, end the conversation.

Don't respond to spam e-mails or messages that try to trick you into revealing personal or financial information. Delete these messages without opening them; they could contain a virus that could infect your computer with malware.

Use caution when sharing photos on social networking sites:

Even if you use privacy settings to block other users from viewing your photos, remember that anything you post online is public. You might want to think twice before posting a photo of yourself wearing expensive jewelry or driving an expensive car because thieves might be looking for easy targets like this.

It's important to update your contact information so people can find you when needed. Make sure to sign off from any device and close any open windows or tabs before leaving it unattended - even for a short time.

Keep up-to-date with news stories about cyber safety tips, e-safety tips, etc.

10) Be kind online

It's never too early to start teaching your kids about being kind on the internet, cyber safety, and e-safety. We all know how social media has become a force for bullying - but it doesn't need to be that way! Get your family into the habit of practicing these 10 simple rules for being safe and positive online.

The first rule is e-Safety, which refers to protecting personal information when online. If you don't want people to see something about you then don't post it!

Social networking sites are designed for connecting with friends but don’t forget that once you post anything there, everyone can see it (even if they are not your friends). Even if you delete or hide posts on Facebook or other social networks, they will still live in cyberspace forever.

We hope this blog post was helpful for you and you found some new internet safety tips!


The Internet has opened up endless new opportunities, but it also comes with risks. It’s important to use good safety practices to protect your privacy and security while using the Internet, no matter where you are or what device you’re using. If you follow these 10 simple internet safety rules, you can rest assured that your online activity will be safe and secure. So read this guide carefully!



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