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8 Effective Audience Targeting Strategies for Digital Marketing Plan


As digital marketers, we all realize the power of targeting specific audiences to reach our goals. This can be done by using keywords, geographic locations, demographics, and much more. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to audience targeting strategies in digital marketing. That’s why we decided to create this comprehensive guide on the 8 most effective audience targeting strategies so you can find what works best for your campaigns!


Audience targeting can be one of the most difficult things to do right in digital marketing since no one strategy works perfectly across the board. While there are many effective strategies, they might not all work equally well depending on the type of business you run and how people interact with your website or social media profiles. This guide will help you figure out the audience targeting strategy that will help your digital marketing efforts succeed in whatever market you’re trying to reach. This post will focus on the different methods of audience targeting.

1) Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – SEO is one of the most popular forms of marketing on the internet today. There are many ways to optimize content so that it ranks higher in search engine results pages, but remember that Google’s algorithm changes frequently so don’t get too caught up in what’s hot right now.

2) Keyword Research – The foundation of any successful SEO campaign is keyword research, which involves selecting words or phrases related to your business that people might be searching for in search engines like Google, Yahoo!, or Bing. It’s also important to note how competitive keywords are; if there are thousands of searches per month for a particular term then it may not be worth pursuing as an advertising platform.

3) Influencer marketing – These days just about everyone has some sort of social media following and you can use this following to boost your brand by partnering with influencers who already have relationships with your target market. And so on.

In this guide, we have covered all the strategies in detail. Keep reading to learn more!

1) SEO

Strategies like content marketing, SEO, social media, and email marketing are some of the best ways to target your audience. These strategies can help you reach out to new customers that would be most interested in what you have to offer. To keep track of all your success, it’s important to analyze data from these campaigns so that you know which tactics work best for your target audience.

If you’re not sure where to start with all this information, tools such as Google Analytics or Kissmetrics can give you a good idea about who is visiting your website. From there, it will be easier for you to decide which strategies will be worth investing in. It also helps if you go back and revisit past visitors to see if they match up with your target audience.

What works for one person may not work well for someone else, so make sure you identify the kind of person who will benefit most from what you have to offer before deciding how to advertise. The more targeted you can get, the better. By targeting individuals based on their interests, age group, and location, you’ll find more people are receptive to your message. With all this information available at your fingertips on sites like Facebook or Twitter, taking advantage of these platforms shouldn’t be difficult.

Allowing friends’ updates to show up in newsfeeds through Facebook Live broadcasting has become a popular way for brands to promote their products while providing customer service 24 hours a day. There are many other great channels for reaching potential customers, such as LinkedIn Groups and Pinterest Pins.

In addition, by tailoring ads to specific audiences, companies can save money without sacrificing quality when it comes to reaching potential buyers. You might find yourself spending less time trying to come up with a clever slogan or catchy phrase because it won’t matter as much if the ad isn’t being seen by the right people. Make sure you take time to review all the different options before making any final decisions about what strategy will work best for your company.

2) Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is one of the best ways to reach a specific audience. Influencers are important because they have credibility, authenticity, and trust with their followers. They also provide their audiences with valuable information that they can’t find elsewhere. For example, if you’re in the beauty industry, influencers could include makeup artists or hair stylists who post tutorials on how to make your eyes pop or how to curl your hair with a flat iron. You’ll need to identify which social media platforms are most popular among your target audience and what type of content is shared most often on those platforms.

What should you do once you’ve identified an influencer? The first step would be contacting them about a potential partnership and offering them free products as well as monetary compensation for any mentions or posts. When it comes time to pay them, make sure to negotiate the agreement ahead of time so both parties know what’s expected from the other person. Influencers want to feel valued and compensated for their work; don’t take advantage of them.

Once you’ve negotiated terms, decide how much budget to set aside each month for influencer marketing. With all this taken care of, start finding new influencers by looking at the metrics associated with people who share similar interests as your target audience.

3) Facebook Ads

If you want to target your audience on Facebook, make sure you are considering the following:

1) Demographic targeting,

2) Location-based targeting,

3) Interest-based targeting,

4) Behavior-based targeting,

5) Retargeting.

A lot of people might be wondering why we have not discussed retargeting in our previous blog posts about advertising. Simply put, it is because this strategy needs a little more explanation than what we can provide in just one paragraph. The truth is that retargeting is highly effective and it can help improve your digital marketing campaign success by driving consumers back to your site where they will hopefully become customers.

To understand how to use retargeting effectively, you need to know two things: 1) how often should I show ads, and 2) who am I showing ads to? As soon as someone visits your website or sees your ad somewhere else online, those potential customers can be tracked so that their browsing habits can continue being tracked with Facebook’s Custom Audiences service. For example, if someone has visited your store’s homepage but didn’t end up making a purchase there, Facebook could show them an advertisement promoting your sale items while they’re checking out other websites or when they’re scrolling through their newsfeed.

Depending on how much you would like to spend each day/week/month, you can choose the frequency of these advertisements based on whatever amount of money you feel comfortable spending for each customer. Continue reading!

4) Retargeting Ads

Another form of targeting is called re-targeting. Re-targeted ads are what are known as display ads which appear inside other companies’ platforms such as social media sites, blogs, and mobile apps. A retargeting ad is a type of banner ad that displays on other websites you visit across the web. As you browse the internet, these ads will follow you and be displayed on sites related to your search queries, visits, and browsing history.

Retargeting ads can help keep your brand in front of people who may not have been aware of it otherwise and offer them a chance to purchase from your website or service. For example, if you’re an e-commerce store owner and someone visited your site but didn’t buy anything, they might see one of your banners or ads as they surf around the web after having left. The goal is to give them another opportunity to make a purchase.

What’s more, this method saves time because you don’t need to spend money on developing additional advertising campaigns. You simply keep working with the same ads over and over again until the user either make a purchase or abandons their shopping cart.

5) Adwords Search Network and Display Network

Adwords Search Network is a great place to start when you’re looking for qualified traffic. Adwords automatically target people who are searching for what you offer, and it’s easy to make adjustments to your targeting so that your ads show up in more places.

The Display Network is made up of websites across the web that use Adsense, which is a Google-owned product. You can target specific sites or audiences with your ads to increase the chances of someone clicking on them. For example, if your business sells high-end watches, you might want to advertise on high-end fashion blogs but not publications about general watchmaking. You can also take advantage of ad extensions like site links and callouts to tell people more about your business before they click on the link.

Sitelinks allow you to create links within your ad that lead to other pages on your website, making it easier for potential customers to find information about products and services. Callouts are similar; these allow advertisers to highlight important information or add an extra call-to-action.

Start using these strategies today!

6) Google My Business (Google Maps)

Google My Business (Google Maps) is a great way to increase the visibility of your business on the Internet, which can lead to higher visibility and more customers. The best part about this strategy is that it’s free! Follow these steps to get started:

1. Visit Google Maps and click Get Started

2. Log into your Google account or create one if you don’t have one yet

3. Fill out the information about your business, such as address and contact info

4. Select whether you want to show up in search results, Street View, or other places

5. Select an icon for your business

6. Add photos

7. Make sure your hours are up-to-date

8. Save and Publish.

You should now be able to find your business listing by entering keywords related to your industry in the search bar. Click on See all at the bottom right corner of the screen and scroll down until you see More Categories. Click on this category and scroll down until you find Local Services. There should be a list of businesses with their names and addresses; check if yours is there by looking for your name. If not, then go back through all steps again to make sure they’re correct before trying again!

7) Joint Ventures

One marketing strategy you might want to explore is a joint venture. Joint ventures are when two or more businesses agree to work together in some capacity and share the profits. For example, one business could be an app developer and another could be an app publisher. The app developer would create the software and the app publisher would market it to their audience. This is a great way to reach new customers without spending any money on advertising!

It can also be used by companies who want to partner with other companies in a complementary industry that aligns with their products and services. For example, if you’re selling baby clothes, then partnering with a company that sells baby supplies is logical.

And if your company also manufactures toys, then partnering with toy manufacturers may make sense too. It’s all about finding good partnerships that will benefit both parties as much as possible while not hurting either party’s reputation. As long as the partnership doesn’t break any laws, anything goes. You just have to figure out what works best for you and your brand!

8) Affiliate Links

Affiliate marketing is a popular strategy for digital marketers because it allows you to offer products and services without the need to have your inventory. Not only does this help save money, but it also saves time, too. By targeting people who already know about your company or are interested in what you do, affiliate marketing can be a great way to grow your business through word-of-mouth advertising. For example, if you’re an affiliate marketer for pet food companies and someone tells their friends that they buy their dog food from you, that person will most likely share the information with others as well.

Some resource includes affiliate links. If you purchase through these links, they receive a commission at no extra cost to you. However, please do share the content of these resources with others as well. We appreciate your time and hope that you found this post informative.


For any digital marketing campaign to be effective, you have to know your target audience. You have to know who’s going to buy from you and why, so you can make sure your content is relevant, your social media marketing strategy appeals to them, and your products are convenient enough that they won’t say no if the opportunity arises. With these eight effective audience targeting strategies, you can make sure your marketing plan reaches its target audience effectively, efficiently, and cost-effectively! So, read this guide carefully.

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